I was finally able to perform the first QSO via EME at 24GHz!! The first ever from Portugal!!
March 7, after many hours, sleepless nights, early mornings, etc., i did a contact with OK1KIR, with the Moon approximately at 50° elevation, which made it very difficult because there were very adverse spread conditions: 265Hz!! It was in JT4F mode, sent -14, received -20.
At that time, my Moon noise was 1.3dB, 8°C, Hr=95%.
At the last microwave meeting in Guadarrama, Madrid, I noticed a problem in a transition from coaxial to waveguide, which connects the PA to the wr42 relay. With 4.5W output, any attenuation is critical!! That was fixed, EB3FRN gave me a good transition, a lot of advices from EA3HMJ, got a new feed from PA7JB... thank you all that helped!!
March 8 i did the second QSO with OZ1LPR (-17, -21) and on March 9 again with OK1KIR (-16, -19). Total 3 QSO up today.
OZ1FF, OK1DFC and PA0BAT were also heard, next trial at 3/4th April.

Vy 73 de CT1BYM



1st 24GHz QSO



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